quarta-feira, 5 de abril de 2023

 Beethoven, Debussy, Brahms, Ravel. Então 

Karajan Previn

Pois é, a guerra na Bósnia, a guerra no Irã, o Iraque, os problemas dos Estados Unidos, o Oriente Médio, o problema do tráfico de drogas, o Brasil envolvido nisso com a passagem das drogas ao Brasil, né.A  

Instrumental parceiro 

W Azevedo Jacob bandolim Radames  

dimash chapman maraya netbreko 


Victory Brinker 

Shirley’s ability to utilise head resonance yet sound so completely natural is awesome!

Her mouth shape and tongue position are give-aways for the keen eye. A slightly forward placed tongue means an open throat and a lifted set of muscles at the eye sockets means her soft palate (vellum) is high.

This means her voice is “free”.

She uses her phonetic shape to resonate at various parts of her skull. So fluid and practiced is her technique that it looks and probably is (at this stage of her career) totally natural.

This ease with technique can only be achieved with regular practice so that the body assimilates the work into its muscle memory.

Tudo farsa para gerar Ibope.
O programa está sem Ibope.
Fátima a rainha da lacração saiu. O programa devia acabar.

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